(470) 575-6345
Mon - Fri 9:30a - 5:00p
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Many drivers of likely heard of uninsured motorist coverge, but many don’t truly understand why it’s important. This crucial protection safeguards you in the event of an accident with an uninsured or underinsured driver. In a state where approximately 12% of motorists lack proper insurance, having UM coverage can make a significant difference in your...
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We often get calls from potential clients who are wondering how they can be charged with drug possession (or firearm possession) when they never physically had drugs on them. Under Georgia criminal law, the concept of “constructive possession” allows prosecutors to bring charges even without direct physical control. As a defendant, understanding this legal doctrine...
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The Supreme Court of Georgia recently issued an opinion that will extend the time within litigants will be able to file lawsuits, ruling that Chief Justice Melton’s Order Declaring Statewide Judicial Emergency (issued during COVID) tolled not only the statute of limitations, but also the statutes of repose. In this Order, Chief Justice Melton paused...
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Unfortunately, Medical Payments coverage is often overlooked when purchasing car insurance. You may have seen these coverage options when getting insurance quotes but had no idea what the coverage was and if it was worth the extra money. In this blog, we discuss what exactly medical payments coverage is. And to be clear, we strongly...
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When you’re injured in a wreck, your attorney should be looking for every dollar available to maximize your recovery. One of the most overlooked coverages is Medical Payments or “MedPay”, which can help you pay your medical expenses regardless of whether or not you were at fault for a wreck. This article addresses some of...
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You’re beginning a complex medical malpractice case and your attorney mentioned the need for expert testimony and an expert affidavit to you. You’re a bit lost, but you know you’ll need the expert testimony to prove your case. But before your expert can take the stand, you have to cross the expert affidavit hurdle in...
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Have questions about filing an injury claim in Georgia? Here are some of the most common questions we hear in our office and the answers: How long do I have to file a claim? In Georgia, you have typically two years from the date of your injury to file a personal injury lawsuit. This is...
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Have you or a loved one been the victim of medical malpractice in Georgia? If a doctor, nurse, or other healthcare provider made a mistake that caused you harm, you may have a claim. Medical mistakes happen more often than you’d think, even with the most caring and competent providers. But when negligence does occur,...
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This is a follow up to our prior blog relating to escaping mandatory minimum sentences and the Safety Valve. In this blog, we address an avenue to escape mandatory minimums that is more familiar with criminal defendants and the public at large: substantial assistance.  What is a Mandatory Minimum Sentence? We discussed mandatory minimum sentences in...
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Drug cases at the federal level are not to be taken lightly. These cases are often the product of extensive investigations and generally involve a significant quantity of drugs. Congress has taken a firm stance on drugs and has armed the Department of Justice with several tools to combat crime, including lengthy mandatory minimum sentences.  ...
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